EG Enthusiast



Card Pass Swap

Pack Pass Swap


0 ERC1155 Items

Unlocked Achievements

Claim Enders Gate Soul Bound tokens.

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What are Enders Gate Passes?

Why does 5HeadGames use Enders Gate Passes?

What is the technical reason behind the existence of Enders Gate Passes?

How do I obtain Enders Gate Card Pass (721) tokens in the first place?

I’ve obtained an Enders Gate Card Pass from OpenSea, now what?

What purpose do the official collectibles from Enders Gate serve?

What is the significance of the numbers 721 and 1155 in relation to the tokens?

Can you explain the difference between Enders Gate Card Pass (721) tokens and Enders Gate Trading Card (1155) tokens?

What is the purpose of swapping tokens in my 5HeadGames inventory?

Why do I need to swap my Enders Gate Pass tokens to Enders Gate Trading Card (1155) tokens?

I don’t care for the Passes, How do I purchase virtual collectibles instead?

How do I initiate the 721 to 1155 swap process?

How do I select the desired quantity of tokens for the swap process?

Is there a limit to the number of tokens I can swap at once?

Are there any fees or costs associated with swapping tokens, and if so, how are they calculated?

Can I swap tokens at any time, or are there specific periods when the swap process is available?

What benefits or advantages do I gain by swapping my tokens?

Is there any impact on my in-game experience or progress if I don't swap my tokens?

Do I need to have technical knowledge about NFT token standards to complete the swap process?

Are there any security measures in place to protect my tokens during the swap process?

Can I swap tokens using any device, or are there specific system requirements?

What is the expected duration for the swap process to be completed?

Can I track the status of my token swap, and if so, how?

What happens if I encounter issues or have questions during the swap process? Is there customer support available?

Is there a tutorial or guide available to help me understand the entire token swap process better?

Are there any other important considerations or details I should be aware of before initiating the token swap?

How do 5HeadGames virtual collectibles affect the environment?

Is a virtual collectible the same thing as cryptocurrency?

What is a wallet?

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